
محتوى رئيسي

تدفق المحتوى

قال الناشط الإعلامي ماهر حشاش إن المظاهرات التي تنظم في مدينة كوبنهاغن منذ أكثر من 100 يوم استطاعت أن تؤثر على بعض القرارات الحكومية، وتنتصر للحق الفلسطيني والحرب على غزة.

Published On 24/1/2024
مدة الفيديو 00 minutes 44 seconds

رجحت شركة الشحن “سي إم إيه-سي جي إم” استمرار الاضطرابات بالبحر الأحمر لأشهر، مما يجعلها تتجنب الممر البحري، من جهتها علقت شركة ميرسك الحجوزات إلى جيبوتي، وطالبت الصين بتأمين الممرات لسلامة السفن.

Published On 19/1/2024

بعد أشهر من الجدل الشديد سنّت الدانمارك مؤخرا قانونا يحظر المعاملة المهينة للكتابات ذات الأهمية الدينية الكبيرة لمجتمع ديني معترف به، وأصبح تمزيق أو حرق أو تدنيس نصوص مثل القرآن علنا يعاقب عليه.

Published On 2/1/2024
Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen makes a national statement on the second day of the COP26 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow on November 2, 2021. World leaders meeting at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow will issue a multibillion-dollar pledge to end deforestation by 2030 but that date is too distant for campaigners who want action sooner to save the planet's lungs. (Photo by Adrian DENNIS / POOL / AFP) RELATED CONTENT PHOTOS britain - un - climate - cop26 - art britain - un - climate - cop26 - art britain - un - climate - cop26 - art britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 Leader of the Kaingang people of Brazil, Kreta Kaingang is seen during a ceremony at a wooden ark built from locally sourced larch on the Cowal peninsula in Scotland on November 4, 2021, on the sidelines of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 Leader for the Dayak people from Borneo Mina Setra gestures following a ceremony at a wooden ark built from locally sourced larch on the Cowal peninsula in Scotland on November 4, 2021, on the sidelines of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 People walk at a wooden ark built from locally sourced larch on the Cowal peninsula in Scotland on November 4, 2021, on the sidelines of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 britain - environment - scotland - latam - climate - un - cop26 brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution brazil - environment - pollution topshot - britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest topshot - britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 Mounted police patrol during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 A placard is seen above the crowds at a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest Protesters gather in Trafalgar Square having marched into central London from the City of London during a global day of action on climate change on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Glasgow. britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 greece - environment - climate - demo greece - environment - climate - demo britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 greece - environment - climate - demo greece - environment - climate - demo greece - environment - climate - demo greece - environment - climate - demo britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 People participate in a protest rally during a global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest Protesters gather in Trafalgar Square having marched into central London from the City of London during a global day of action on climate change on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Glasgow. britain - un - climate - cop26 Members of the Red Rebel Brigade, an international performance artivist troupe participate in a protest rally during global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 Members of the Red Rebel Brigade, an international performance artivist troupe participate in a protest rally during global day of action on climate change in Glasgow on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest Protesters gather in Trafalgar Square having marched into central London from the City of London during a global day of action on climate change on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Glasgow. britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest britain - un - climate - cop26 - protest Protesters gather in Trafalgar Square having marched into central London from the City of London during a global day of action on climate change on November 6, 2021, during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Glasgow.

أقر البرلمان الدانماركي، اليوم الخميس، مشروع قانون يجرم حرق نسخ من المصحف الشريف في الأماكن العامة، سعيا لتهدئة التوتر مع الدول الإسلامية.

Published On 7/12/2023