بلومبيرغ: البحرين تطلب مساعدات خليجية لمواجهة أزمتها

The Central Bank of Bahrain is seen in Manama, October 27, 2013. Bahrain is still in the early stages of a series of bank mergers designed to strengthen the sector in the face of regional competition, the central bank governor said. The tiny kingdom's banking industry, once the most vibrant in the Gulf, was hit hard by the global financial crisis and, since 2011, by political unrest which has deterred some foreign investment. To match Reuters Summit MEAST-INVESTMENT/BA
احتياطات البنك المركزي البحريني انخفضت بأكثر من 70% (رويترز-أرشيف)

بلومبيرغ: البحرين تطلب من دول الخليج مساعدات مالية للخروج من ازمتها
Abdulla Adam

المصدر : مواقع إلكترونية