مضحي الشمري

مضحي الشمري

ماجستير في الفقه المقارن من المعهد العالي للقضاء، وعلى أعتاب التخرج من مرحلة الدكتوراه قسم الفقه.

الجديد من الكاتب

تدفق المحتوى

الجبل لا يكون جبلًا إلا حينما تكون أصوله وجذوره ممتدة في أعماق الأرض، وكلما كانت أعمق ازداد ثباتًا، وكذلك المسلم إذا كان إيمانه ثابتًا وعقيدته راسخة.

مدونة بقلم مضحي الشمري
Published On 8/9/2016
A picture made available on 05 July 2016 shows rows of Muslims performing their evening terawih prayers under a sheltered common area in the Choa Chu Kang district of Singapore, 29 June 2016. During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to perform 'terawih' or evening congregational prayers after they break their fast at dusk. Spaces such as this sheltered common area, or the void deck below residential apartments, are cordoned off and reserved for a month so that Muslims have a space nearby their homes to gather in the evening to perform their terawih prayers. The operational and logistic needs of running these spaces are typically met by volunteers who reside nearby, with mosques only helping out with any financial or administrative difficulties the volunteers might face. In some cases, an imam or ustaz, religious leaders or scholars, might be provided from a district mosque if the community is unable to find an individual who can take up the role of leading the prayer sessions. These community-run spaces relieve the demands on mosques to cater for the Muslim populace during Ramadan and are a more convenient option for older Muslims and foster bonding amongst the community through their faith.