فضل القاهر القاضي

فضل القاهر القاضي

الجديد من الكاتب

تدفق المحتوى

تزداد المطالبات بزيادة جهود الحكومة الأفغانية والمنظمات الداعمة بسبب نقص المياه أو انقطاعها في مناطق متعددة من العاصمة وولايات أخرى، ومع إحصاءات تشير إلى ارتفاع نسب تلوث المياه والمرافق الصحية.

Published On 1/2/2025
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - JULY 16: Citizens, including children, wait in lines to fill up their bottles with water due to the water cut off in the neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan on July, 2023. In Kabul, people living in areas where water is cut off wait in queues for hours to meet their water needs. (Photo by Sayed Khodaiberdi Sadat/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

صرح الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب بأن مساعدات بلاده ينبغي ألا تصل إلى طالبان، ويتساءل الخبراء عن تأثير قطع المساعدات الأميركية على الاقتصاد الأفغاني في حال نفذ ترامب تهديده.

Published On 22/1/2025
Photo taken on Sept 21, 2021 shows workers count banknotes of various currencies including 1.2 million US dollars and more than 3 million Afghanis seized by Taliban in Khost, Logar and Panjshir provinces at the headquarters of the Da Afghanistan Bank, the central bank of Afghanistan, in Kabul. U.S President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday Feb 12, 2022 releasing $7bn in frozen Afghan reserves to be split between humanitarian efforts for the Afghan people and American victims of terrorism, including relatives of 9/11. (Da Afghanistan Bank/EYEPRESS)